Ijok Sticky
Seeing as how the final days of the Ijok by-election make for an increasingly interesting read, here are selections of the latest multimedia offerings gathered from blogs and alternative newsites:
from Screenshots. Go read.
Ijok by-election - A dramatic night at Batang Berjuntai - Photos of the police stopping a PKR ceramah
- Something you'll never find in Utusan Melayu - an advert placed by a group of villagers from Machap Baru New Village thanking DAP for contesting in Machap [both from Wengsan's blog]
- A video (right click - save link as) of a man verbally abusing a team of medical volunteers. [from jelas.info]
- 'Tv3 ada?" - interview with Khairy Jamaluddin here. Tan Sri Khalid's rebuttal here.
- Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim's letter to Ijok voters.
- Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim's latest op-ed in harakahdaily.net.
- Tun Dr Mahathir's advice to voters: don't vote BN blindly. Watch the video here.
- Tan Sri Khalid telling voters: vote BN. [BERNAMA, naturally]
- Zunar's cartoon of villagers praying to God.
- Amnesty International railing against the PDRM, letter, here. [via bangkit.net]
- Polling day violence pix. [harakahdaily.net]
- FINALLY, Barisan Nasional Wins Ijok by 1850 votes with record voter turn-out. Weeks of gloating to follow. Check your local newspaper vendor for the latest. Good night.

As an accompaniment to your piece:
Iman pengundi Ijok kepada BN masih kuat dan tidak goyah.
menang belum pasti, kalah sudah tentu
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