23 April, 2007

more reasons not to rush into marriage (yes I'm talking to you)

Found this on Malaysia Today just now. A forum on women's issues organised by Sisters In Islam, whose panelists comprised of representatives of women's groups and religious scholars, put forth several ideas to 'compel fathers to pay alimony (nafkah)'. These include:

# SETTING UP a child support agency that empowers the authorities to go after fathers who fail to pay up;

# GETTING enforcement agencies, like the Road Transport and Immigration departments, to withhold documents like driving licences or passports of errant fathers; and

# OBTAINING the current address of the men or their workplace so that they can be easily traced.

and IMHO, the one that hits it hardest

# DISALLOWING men from marrying again as long as they have not settled the alimony;

In this regard, I support SIS's initiative.

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