On the call for shariah
A great article by Abu Eesa Niamatullah. Excerpts:
From the onset, one must understand that the Sharī‘ah is part of Islam but Islam is not just Sharī‘ah. There is no doubting its importance with respect to the absolute application of the divine Will of God on Earth, but this is only one aspect of Islam and certainly not the “be-all and end-all” – many people spend their entire efforts on implementing the Law on everyone else whereas the Qur’ānic narrative clearly prioritises the self first and then the rest of the community based on one’s ability.
And it is ability which is the key concept missing from the methodology of our brothers and sisters when we witness their attempts to establish Sharī‘ah at all costs. Many people talk about its establishment (theoretically here in the West) and more practically in the Muslim lands yet it is beyond their capacity to do it in their respective societies. The question must be asked why become busy with that which cannot be done whilst neglecting that which can be done, such as studying the religion deeply, giving da‘wah, working on ones conduct and manners etc as opposed to getting involved in that which is not their priority?
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