04 October, 2007

empty conversations i

one rainy day, in a tute room;

Whats the point of a university education?

To get good grades.


so that you can get a well-paying job.

What for?

Because money can do things.


Promote justice and equality and all those things people shout about, for example.

Can't you work towards that from young? Do you really have to wait so long?

Of course. You have to study and work hard in your studies when you're young. If not you'll never be rich. Activism can affect your grades badly. In the end, People only listen to money anyway.

So how can money help?

Well many ways. For example, money allows you to sponsor people to study things needed to improve our condition. You see, when you have people who have the know how, they can work on the country's problems more effectively.

But won't they be studying so that they can get a good job too?

Well then, that's their loss. No one can force them to do anything they don't want to. If they feel that making money is more important, then i'll just have to accept their decision. The door has been opened for them. I can only do so much.



ltf ha said...

I think I can vaguely relate this poem to the above post. Its a bit of a stretch , I know. Enjoy:

Dalam Librari ~ A. Samad Said

Dalam librari
aku tersengguk
seorang tua
tersenyum menegur:
Tak guna
membuka buku
menutup mata.
Kan elok
menutup buku
membuka mata?

Mulai esoknya
dalam librari
ku tak pernah
tersengguk lagi
walau orang tua
sudah lama
tiada kusua

Dalam librari
kini ku membaca,
mataku sering
ke kerusi orang tua
yang sudah tiada

~ A. Samad Said

Anonymous said...

Nice poem to those who love to fall asleep in class (me?)... hehehe !