11 November, 2007

why i love the internet

Favourite quote? "They are not afraid. That, I can assure you."

1 comment:

Syazwina Saw said...

Oh, my love for the Internet is one-sided. I am almost convinced, Google algorithms aside, that it doesn't know I exist. Talk about unrequited.

And you have to ask just how developed the country will be, when the minister of said department has obviously not read the international news, or spent a weekend in Melbourne. 'Hanya segelintir orang?' Um, excuse me? Denial much?

Shameful and shameless. This must be a record for the dictionaries. To quote Mork:

"Shameful: see 'Malaysian democracy'.

Shameless: see 'Malaysian democracy'."

P.S:- The pakcik in the fatigue, sunnies and handkerchief is my new Hero of the Week.