28 February, 2007

You also ah?

Since I'm finally on a roll (per return of creative capacities), I shall continue on with another issue.
This being the first few posts from a foreign land (perh), no hard issues will be tackled initially.
One needs to be totally immersed in something before being able to give one's feedback about it
(or, as myspace teaches us: 'you must be a someone's friend to make comments about them'. Thanks John Mayer!).

Also because it seems that everyone(else except the gang at the Frank Tate Musolla/Surau/Prayer room of course, hehe)'s heads are still buzzing from the abundance of free alcohol that is O-Week , impaired by the limited view of beer goggles to be able to talk about anything more substantial than when's the next free party's coming ("what? VSU? Well, I think that the goverment's made a horriss that a free barbie next to that poster of Peter Costello?"). I'm muslim so I don't drink, so thankfully I'm spared that.

Anyway, a bit of generalising sidetracking there, the real thing I wanted to write about was the number of people from Taylors College Subang Jaya here. This bit of information is really not that interesting, come to think of it (except perhaps for some marketing people), when the number of people from Taylors College is compared to the students from Trinity College, or St Alban's or whatever. Statically unastounding, but it does create the illusion that you already know a lot of people here. Which helps a lot because you don't actually know that many people.

Except Malaysian scholarship students. They already know a lot of people, and they know them very well.

Joke, joke.

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