28 February, 2007


Apparently, I'm no longer stuck at home bored. Now I'm stuck at home bored in Australia. wooo.

That sounds so ungrateful, doesn't it. I am in fact thankful to god and then my parents for being given the chance to study here. However 'study' seems to mean different things to different people (or courses).

A student doing medicine has 23 contact hours per week. That's roughly 5 straight days of 9 to 5s of lectures, tutorials, and practicals.

I have 12 hours per week. I have, on average, 2 classes a day, and I end roughly by 12 pm daily.

Of course, commerce being commerce, I'm sure later on the piles of 'things to read', 'stuff to complete', and 'stuff to complete now' will make the (currently) seemingly undemanding schedule heaven-sent, at which time, I will have to thank god again for not making me a medical student with 23 contact hours a week.

Meanwhile, I have plenty of recipes to try out. And a purple cabbage to solve.

1 comment:

Syazwina Saw said...

Purple cabbage is good for salads.

Kalau berani, goreng dengan udang kering. Tahu tak camne?

And if you're THAT bored, I can put you to work with Acharki and Usama. The halal barbie is coming up, and we need brothers brave enough to grill a lot of sausages, fast.

Or you can join look out for talks at uni. I'm currently missing Waleed Aly's political lecture.

Budak baru ni. Tak pandai cari hiburan betul.